Friday, May 24, 2013

Homeschool science: Yummy gummy bears

My kids love science. I'm aiming to make our explorations more formal by using the scientific method, thus we initiated the infamous gummy bear experiment. We gathered our supplies ...

Then organized our thoughts, and submerged our gummy bears into bowls of salt water and fresh water - then left them overnight to see what would happen ...

The next morning, at first glance, it wasn't that impressive.
The water was cloudy and the colors were fading ...

But when the gummy came out, everyone giggled to see how large it had grown!
The gummy bears originally measured 2 cm long, but after a night in the pool, the fresh-watered gummy bear grew to 4 cm and the salt-watered gummy moved up to 3 cm.

Everyone taste tested the gummies - and neither bear got great reviews. The salt water bear was immediately spit out, and the fresh water bear had lost all its flavor (though they ate him completely).

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gma had a birthday - so she took us all bowling!

I don't know who was more excited, GMa or the kiddos? (Look at Big's face there! Ha!)

Let me just say, all the grandkids adore their GMa. She makes each one feel so special and loved!

This was our fam's first time bowling - and we really had fun!
Big Sis went granny style.

Lil started granny style, but it was a little slow moving so she switched to the ramp.

Can't forget GPa - he made sure everyone partied hard! :)

E! insisted on carrying his own ball. Look at how proud of himself he is!

Then he pushed it down the ramp - and Daddy gave him pointers. ;)

Good job everyone! What a blast.
*Rognon fam, I'm sorry I don't have pics of y'all! Sorry!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Shield of righteousness

To go along with our armor of God, we studied a piece of art and music from our "Can You Hear It?" with a midieval theme - then created our own shields. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lemonade for sale!

One sunny Saturday, these three amigos gathered their lemons and lemonade and headed to the street ... dreaming of big sales.

They were ready: pretend cash register, check. Bowl of lemons for visual affects, check.
Tables, poster, tablecloths, check!

What we needed: Less wind and more customers. But it was fun! And I'm sure they'll be out on the streets again ... selling lemonade! So, bring on the sun!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Put on the whole armor of God

Since we recently finished our Old Testament studies, we've been switching things up by picking a new topic to focus on each week - and to learn a scripture to go with that topic. Last week we learned, "O be wise, what can I say more?" Jacob 6:12 - and we talked about making wise choices. It's an awesome scripture to quote when children ask if they can do something and they already know the answer; or when they've already chosen to do something. :)
Anyhoo ... this week we studied about the armor of God. We printed off some paper soldiers (thank you Pinterest!) and pasted a new piece of armor each day as we learned its symbolism.

Plus, we played dress up. Each day we literally put on part of the armor - and by Friday our gnomes looked like fierce soldiers ready to fight for truth and righteousness!

Sure, our belt of truth was a jump rope ... and our boots that represent the Gospel of peace were soft slippers ... it was still fierce!

And I LOVE hearing my 2-year-old call every helmet he sees (think bike helmet or baseball helmet) a "helmet of salvation!" and he enthusiastically waves his sword calling it his "Sword of the Spirit!"

When Alex and I taught Primary in Draper, Utah many moons ago, we had our class of rambunctious 10-year-olds dress up in this armor and take their picture as we learned each piece ... it's so surreal that we have our own mini army right in our house now, learning the same lesson!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

She's 5!

Happy Birthday to her! She's five!

We started the day with a park play date - I think we had about 15 kids on this merry-go-round at one point. We're lucky no one got hurt. :)

This is her buddy Cole. They're quite a pair.

After mac-n-cheese (her requested dinner), cousins and grandparents came over. She became princess Cinderella and all the cousins became her helpful mice.

Thanks to the Stumphs who gave her some $5s for turning five!

And Grandma and Papa Poe gave her a princess piggy bank to keep those $5s in! :)

Aw, birthday hugs.

And GMa and GPa gave her a set of Cinderella figurines.

I think she felt like a princess that day!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Field trip: Tarantulas!

The Herrings invited us to check out parts of the Clackamas Community College's science lab - including an upclose look at two female tarantulas.

One of them even came out of its burrow to check out the children.

Everyone enjoyed taking notes about what they learned, and drawing pictures of those hairy spiders.

Here's the crew after their educational experience - and snacks. :)

Friday, May 17, 2013

1st Piano Recital!

Big Sis played "Book of Mormon Stories" at her first piano recital,
and then played a duet with Sis. Anderson to "Mickey Mouse March."

Plus, she had fun doing it!

Here's the pair in action.

*Special thanks to GMa for taking pictures!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Zippidy Zoo-dah!

Team Taggart and the Poe Gnomes united at the zoo one day last week ...

and saw the new exhibit of flamingos.

it's hard to see - but the kiddos were standing on one foot with the flamingos. :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Earth Day 2013

We love the Earth!
To start off Earth Day, we played a matching game with ways to better take care of our Earth.
We reiterated the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling - and also discussed avoiding excessive packaging and specific things around the house we can do.

Then we met up with GMa to explore a new nature walking path.

It was a blustery day! Hold on to that giant acorn, or you might blow away!

We saw an oak tree that's between 150 and 200 years old; and learned the symbolic importance of establishing deep roots in the Gospel. This tree's roots are so shallow that they have to fence off the tree so visitors don't step on the soil and compress the roots.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Daddy/daughter work day

Here's Big Sis and Dad in their backpacks and badges before "Take Your Child to Work Day."
It was Big's second year attending, and she had a blast. Her favorite part was the ice cream sundaes; but it wasn't all sugar and sweets. She made a picture of what job she wishes her dad had ... ice cream vendor. :) Plus, she wrote down her dream jobs: ballerina, author and librarian; and created a collage of her dream adult life, complete with trucks to drive and what her kitchen would be like.