Sunday, May 19, 2013

She's 5!

Happy Birthday to her! She's five!

We started the day with a park play date - I think we had about 15 kids on this merry-go-round at one point. We're lucky no one got hurt. :)

This is her buddy Cole. They're quite a pair.

After mac-n-cheese (her requested dinner), cousins and grandparents came over. She became princess Cinderella and all the cousins became her helpful mice.

Thanks to the Stumphs who gave her some $5s for turning five!

And Grandma and Papa Poe gave her a princess piggy bank to keep those $5s in! :)

Aw, birthday hugs.

And GMa and GPa gave her a set of Cinderella figurines.

I think she felt like a princess that day!

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