Monday, May 20, 2013

Put on the whole armor of God

Since we recently finished our Old Testament studies, we've been switching things up by picking a new topic to focus on each week - and to learn a scripture to go with that topic. Last week we learned, "O be wise, what can I say more?" Jacob 6:12 - and we talked about making wise choices. It's an awesome scripture to quote when children ask if they can do something and they already know the answer; or when they've already chosen to do something. :)
Anyhoo ... this week we studied about the armor of God. We printed off some paper soldiers (thank you Pinterest!) and pasted a new piece of armor each day as we learned its symbolism.

Plus, we played dress up. Each day we literally put on part of the armor - and by Friday our gnomes looked like fierce soldiers ready to fight for truth and righteousness!

Sure, our belt of truth was a jump rope ... and our boots that represent the Gospel of peace were soft slippers ... it was still fierce!

And I LOVE hearing my 2-year-old call every helmet he sees (think bike helmet or baseball helmet) a "helmet of salvation!" and he enthusiastically waves his sword calling it his "Sword of the Spirit!"

When Alex and I taught Primary in Draper, Utah many moons ago, we had our class of rambunctious 10-year-olds dress up in this armor and take their picture as we learned each piece ... it's so surreal that we have our own mini army right in our house now, learning the same lesson!

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