Friday, May 24, 2013

Homeschool science: Yummy gummy bears

My kids love science. I'm aiming to make our explorations more formal by using the scientific method, thus we initiated the infamous gummy bear experiment. We gathered our supplies ...

Then organized our thoughts, and submerged our gummy bears into bowls of salt water and fresh water - then left them overnight to see what would happen ...

The next morning, at first glance, it wasn't that impressive.
The water was cloudy and the colors were fading ...

But when the gummy came out, everyone giggled to see how large it had grown!
The gummy bears originally measured 2 cm long, but after a night in the pool, the fresh-watered gummy bear grew to 4 cm and the salt-watered gummy moved up to 3 cm.

Everyone taste tested the gummies - and neither bear got great reviews. The salt water bear was immediately spit out, and the fresh water bear had lost all its flavor (though they ate him completely).

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