Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gma had a birthday - so she took us all bowling!

I don't know who was more excited, GMa or the kiddos? (Look at Big's face there! Ha!)

Let me just say, all the grandkids adore their GMa. She makes each one feel so special and loved!

This was our fam's first time bowling - and we really had fun!
Big Sis went granny style.

Lil started granny style, but it was a little slow moving so she switched to the ramp.

Can't forget GPa - he made sure everyone partied hard! :)

E! insisted on carrying his own ball. Look at how proud of himself he is!

Then he pushed it down the ramp - and Daddy gave him pointers. ;)

Good job everyone! What a blast.
*Rognon fam, I'm sorry I don't have pics of y'all! Sorry!

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