Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Silver Falls State Park

Check out the hikers, ready for an adventure at Silver Falls State Park.
First we walked to the North Falls and explored the trails in that area.
It was cold, but sunny ... and it wasn't raining. Yipee!
I love how the pillar of sun was shining on Big Sis in the pic below. So cute.

With signs like that around, we had to be careful.

After the North Falls, we warmed up at the main campground during a picnic. They had a great display of different trunks from common trees in the forest.

We made it to South Falls too. Before we set out for this loop a pair of hikers sized our group up and then advised us against it because it's pretty steep on the hike back up. We decided to try it out anyway. It was beautiful and challenging. When we made it back up, Big Sis proudly said, "They said we couldn't do it, but we did it!" That's right, baby! :)

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

wow that's amazing! Amazingly beautiful and amazing that even the little people are hikers! Way to go