Sunday, October 21, 2012

Owl Art

After our up-close encounter with the spotted owl at the Audubon Society, we had an up-close encounter with a wild owl! It was between conference sessions - we went with Dad to the woods for a round of disc golf. On the second hole, a great horned owl swooped over Dad's head and then perched in a tree. We stood admiring it's dancing neck movements for a while, then left it in peace.

The next week, we checked out several library books and began filling our brains with owl facts. We also started some owl art. Our project began with drawing the owl, then tracing over with black Sharpie, then watercoloring our owls.

Next, we went outside with yellow acrylic paint and black background. We practiced flicking the paintbrush to make a starry night.
E! painted himself too ... typical.

After everything was dry, we did some cut and paste work - and added a branch.
Here are the final projects. :) Hoot, hoot, they're cute!

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