Monday, October 15, 2012

Audubon Society

Last week, when there was still sun in the sky, we went to the Audubon Society.
I had never been before and ... it's awesome!
We started inside, seeing some wonderful examples of birds to be on the look out for.

Then headed for our hike, and met this Great Horned Owl. He gave us quite a few good Hoo Hoo's.
We continued down the path, found a little pond to eat a powerbar at, and then started off again - when I look back and see this woman, with an owl on her arm, walking right to us.

Meet Harriot, an endangered Spotted Owl. Isn't she gorgeous!!??
We learned so many fun facts about her and other Spotted Owls, like:

There are 3,000 pairs of spotted owls left.
Their favorite foods are flying squirrel and red tree voles.
They have two asymmetrical ears.
They can turn their heads 270 degrees.
This sweet Audubon employee spent a good 20 minutes talking with our Poe Gnomes. E! kept trying to get eye contact with Harriot - he'd chase her head around, wanting a good look. The girls spoke up and listened too - we all learned a ton. When it was time to say goodbye to Harriot and our guide, we headed up a trail and found this teepee of sticks:

When finishing our hike, we walked back toward the parking lot and found several Audubon employees holding a variety of birds. This raven was a crack up - nibbling at the woman's hair and buttons. The girls liked watching the birds, but wanted to stay a safe distance away.

E! had the women laughing hard as he asked questions, "What's this bird?" and then made friends with each bird. If E! asked, "What's this bird?" and the guide would say "That's a Crestwood." E! would enthusiastically reply, "Hi, Crestwood!" Then he'd ask about the next bird ... Here's one of two crestwood falcons:

Oh, and we found a bit more info about Anna's Hummingbird. Apparently, she's one of the most vocal hummingbird species. LOL! That had me smiling from ear to ear .... and by the way, today's Nana's birthday. :)

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

Doesn't look like your little man is afraid of that Raven at all! I would be!! very cool.