Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fresh, pressed apple cider

Between General Conference sessions last Saturday, we went to Champoeg State Park to run around. They were having a pioneer apple harvest festival - but it didn't start until the time we needed to return for conference. The girls were disappointed they couldn't eat the popcorn cooked over the fire, but to be honest, the timing turned out to be a blessing.

We were able to get individual attention and close up, hands-on experience with the cider presses.

Plus, the little ones drank 4 times their share of apple cider. But hey, they worked hard pressing it, so they were thrilled to stick out their cups to catch and drink it!

Here, the guide was showing Big Sis how it's easier to pull the lever from the middle compared to the end of the lever. I think he called it "the law of the lever."
So, we learned about physics and engineering, as well as historical culture.

So many times, I feel our homeschool efforts being watched over by our Heavenly Father.
He continuously plants kind, intelligent individuals in our paths.
It's amazing how small we are in this great plan, but how important we are to Him too.


Michelle said...

This reminds me of a quote. "Every home ought to be a mini-school of the prophets since so much learning can occur there." - Neal A. Maxwell. You are doing such a great job teaching your children. Good job Jes.

Jes said...

OOoooh! I like that quote and have never heard it before - thanks for sharing!!! :)