Sunday, January 20, 2013

Winter birch trees & birds

We checked out "Snowballs" by Lois Ehlert so we could try an art project I saw on Pinterest.
We also read a book that featured fantastic illustrations using patterns called, "Ready to Dream" by Donna Jo Napoli about an artist in Australia (we were studying Australia last week for "Extra! Extra!"). It went perfectly with the art project ...
We started by making a pattern on half of a watercolor sheet of paper using oil pastels - then painted it. The other half was colored a solid color or mix of colors. Once that sheet dried, I made a template for our birds - with a face piece, a body piece and a tail piece. They'd use the watercolored paper to cut out the shapes they needed.
We recently got E! his very own set of watercolors - big enough for him to get the color he wants. He was excited to try them out.
To make our birch trees, we had strips of paper and a rectangle piece of cardboard.
Dip the cardboard in black paint and make a tree ... easy peasy. We talked a tiny bit about shadows too.
They assembled their birds and placed them on the trees - adding twigs, berries or branches with pastels if they wanted to. Lil Sis' is above... Big Sis is below.
The next day we added snow by dipping the end of a pencil in white paint and dotting the snowflakes on.
Ta-Da! Here are the final projects that are now on display on our living room school table.

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