Friday, January 18, 2013

Surprise: service!

After lunch I headed upstairs to throw laundry in and the girls asked me to stay up so they could surprise me. I heard the water running and dishes being moving around. I smiled at the thought of them cleaning up from lunch. The process took quite a long time. I had folded a load of clothes, started a new load, and even checked my email and they still wanted me to stay upstairs. Then I heard them say, "Get the lettuce." Huh? My ears perked up and I knew I needed to get down there.

My sweeties had indeed cleaned up lunch ... and made dinner too. They had cleared the lunch dishes and loaded the dishwasher, then set the table for dinner with our special Nana dishes. They placed a battery-operated candle on the table, and very carefully got the platter down from the cabinet.They had even loaded the platter with out leftover deer meat and carrots. They sliced an apple (with a push-down device), selected clementines and poured out some chips. They were going to start a salad when I heard the, "Get the lettuce."
Lol. So sweet! We had a post-lunch treat of apples, and then a little chat about waiting to prep food until right before it's time to eat. I also thanked them for their service and their angelic hearts. I adore these kiddos!

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