Sunday, October 07, 2012

The Littles @ School

One of many reasons I homeschool is to extend childhood a little longer. I think that's working well for Big Sis, but I have to be mindful not to chop my littlest one's childhoods short (since they wouldn't even be going to school yet). So, their mornings during school need to be super fun! E! keeps busy with lots of self-play projects - like the felt boards pictured above.

When Lil Sis and E! need something to do, we often pull out manipulatives. Trying to grasp acorns, and count them as you add them together, is physically and mentally challenging.

I remember in 1st Grade I ate at my desk (just like these old school desks we picked up FREE on the side of the road this summer!) - and we'd bring a towel from home to eat on. My towel had Oreo cookies pictured on it. I told the kids about this, and it initiated a school-like picnic. :)

Not ure what I'm going to do when our garden is bare and I can't send the littles outside for a snack and some fresh (dry) air!

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