Sunday, October 07, 2012

Good things will come to you ...

We read indian tales during lunch, and this week we read one about an indian chief in search of a great animal symbol for his clan. He followed the deer tracks of a large deer, but as he did he ran into a spiderweb. The spider asked why the chief walks through the forest like he is blind, with his head down - and then suggests the spider be a symbol for the clan. The chief wonders what a small spider can teach his people. The spider replies that he works hard, and then is patient and waits for good things to come to him. :)
So, we went to our favorite forest and selected two large sticks. We brought them home, took out our yarn and strung the foundation for a spider web. Next, each child took strings of yarn to weave a web.

It took concentration, time and problem solving skills to figure out how to best make a web.

E! learned that his string would stick to the fence.
"Spider web! Spider web!" - he was so excited.

Lookin' good!

"AH! Spider web!" lol.

Then, the girls set up their teepee and lined up stones like the footprints of the deer.
Big Sis and Lil Sis put on a play of the story - with Big playing the chief and Lil playing the spider.

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