Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Breeding nature lovers

Having dedicated nature study time this fall has been such a blessing - and the absolutely amazing fall weather we've been having has really helped! We've been trying out new locations, seeing new things and learning a ton as we explore Heavenly Father's beautiful and varied creations.
The children love the hands-on experiences as much as Mom loves the fresh air.
During these log-crossing pictures, Big Sis kept saying, "I think I can, I think I can." She was a little nervous, but the smile as she proved to herself that she can do hard things. :)

Sometimes during our nature studies, we bring our notebooks with us and sketch right then and there ... other times we bring pictures home or a leaf or stick to draw later.
This week our ward had a talent show, and the girls and I brought our nature books to set up in the "display" area. I think they felt a sense of pride in their work, and enjoyed sharing their treasures.  

Here's Big Sis' entry about t oak tree galls.

These are watercolors of vegetables. After the paint dried, they cut out the veggies, pasted them in their book and labeled them.

Mom has a nature journal too. This is a huge motivator - because if Mom's loving it and doing it, then the girls are right there too with equal (or more) enthusiasm.

Here's little Sister's pencil and colored pencil sketch of a peacock among dahlias.
We went to the field one evening, and were the only ones there. The peacocks joined us in the fields, weaving in and out of the rows of blooms. It was pretty awesome!

Here's Big Sis' version.

And Mom's too.

1 comment:

Brooke Smith said...

Wow, you are a talented artist!! :)