Monday, October 01, 2012

School selections

For history, we're reading chapters from Susan Bauer Wise's "The Story of the World" volume 1.
On the first day of school, we learned about Hammurabi's Code; and then made up our Poe Gnome Code for the year. Hammurabi's Code was full of, "if you do this, then ..." (think, "an eye for an eye.") The girls loved coming up with "what if's." I remember my 2nd grade teacher had a rule that there would be no "what if" questions in the classroom - it must have driven her nutty. On the other hand, we embraced "what ifs" and came up with great rules for our house.

When I asked Lil Sis what she wanted to learn this year in school, she said spelling.
Here she goes ... pretty awesome!

The girls had another business venture this week. They collected pine needles and bundled them. Then they made a sign that says (sorry it's hard to read) "$1 for 1 pack" and put a yogurt container with a sign on it that said, "Put money in this box." LOL. Sadly, they had no customers - but it's ok because the girls donated their bundles at the farmer's market to a woman who sews beautiful, decorative pots and bowls out of pine needles. :)  (By the way - from start to finish, this was all their idea.)

We finished "The Courage of Sarah Noble" -- LOVED IT. The tea towel and bowls was our re-creation of how the teepees were situated along the river so the indians could pass communication from one tribe or clan to the next.

We're working on the correct way to write each letter.

A dog across the street was hit was struck by a car and passed later away that night. We were outside when it happened. So sad. Here are the cards the girls made for the family. I love how simply put the words are. Adults would make up some lengthy and flowery "sorry for your loss blah blah blah ..." but the kiddos tell it as it is and speak straight from the heart.

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