Saturday, September 29, 2012

Nature Journals!

This fall, we're trying something new: Dedicated nature study time - and recording our findings in nature journals. With such a gorgeous autumn season, we're spending many afternoons outside exploring. So far, the girls love it. They each got a blank white book, and a selection of nature-related stickers to decorate the covers of their journal.
When we're out on adventures, we collect interesting items and then learn more about them.
For example, see those speckled balls? We learned that they are oak tree galls. Apparently, oak tree wasps can modify the hormones within the oak tree, causing the tree to produce those galls for the wasps' larvae. I had no idea!

After a full day at the local farm, we lined up a variety of colorful produce we had picked - then we drew pictures with special watercolor colored pencils. Then, we added a bit of water on our paintbrushes - and like magic, they look like watercolor paintings. So fun!
We also take time writing about our experiences - properly identifying and describing the amazing nature that Heavenly Father has created for us to enjoy. It's deepening my appreciation for this wonderful world we live in - that's for sure.

See the excitement on Big Sis' face!? She has such enthusiasm for school!
It sets the mood for our days, and encourages me to keep it comin'!

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