Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Math magic

Math at our house typically looks like this: Big Sis at her desk with her Singapore workbook and textbook. It's quick and painless - and she really enjoys it. BUT, sometimes we need to mix it up!

After reading, "The King's Commissioners" by Aileen Friedman, we broke out some gold coins to see all the ways we could count them. We started with counting by 1s, then 2s, then 5s, then 10s.

E! liked to flip his coins from the back of his hand, into a bowl.
There's always a game if E!'s involved.

Here's Big Sis' tally sheet for 2s and 5s.

On a different day, Big Sis' book had her graphing - so, we did some graphing off paper too.
Teddy bears by color, size, and clothing made great graphs.

While Big Sis worked in the background, the little ones counted acorns. Lil Sis is learning to finish story problems with simple addition and subtraction. For example, Chipper the Squirrel gathered 4 nuts but then got hungry and ate 2 of them .... how many are left? Then he found 8 more, now how many does he have? ...

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