Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Painted Lady lifecycle

They arrived in the mail as caterpillars. Fuzzy, striped and curious looking.

They sat on our table for weeks. The brown balls accumulated, the caterpillars fattened and slowed, then they began hanging from ceiling, forming a tight chrysalis.

We waited. And waited. One morning, we walked downstairs and they were flying with frenzy.

We learned about the red liquid they excrete -nope, not blood- and we observed their proboscis as they sucked on oranges and sugar water-doused hydrangea blooms.

Then, it was time to allow them to explore and observe the real world.

One, two, three ... go!

Some bravely zoomed to the sky; others needed a little coaxing.

This one stuck around for a few minutes.

Check out those dried chrysalises. It was a pretty cool experience - and Big Sis wrote and illustrated a lifecycle book as we went.

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