Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer simmer

Since summer is simmering down, I thought I'd pick some favorite phone pics to post before I begin "back to school" posts. See that stump? Yes, some nice men at the country club put it on a tractor and drove it to my backyard. I've always wanted a knotty stump for a backyard tea party ... dream come true.

Nothin' says summer like skipping or stacking rocks by the river.

This summer Big Sis dove into swimming lessons - and somehow the girls always talked me into a little lollipop afterwards, while warming up in the sun. Big Sis went from needing a life jacket to swim, to backstroking the entire length of the pool and diving!

We got really good at sleeping in this summer. Yummy.

Those striped rainbow dresses were the girls' favorite.

Big Sis and I made that box, for that tooth! Her first one gone ...

Lil Sis helped take a bite out of our growing garden!

We also spent a plethora of time at local farms - picking and eating produce. The next three pics of E! were all taken the same day ... he can really put the food down. lol. Tackling two fist-fulls of nectarines is shown up top, and a big bite of green pepper (yes, he ate the whole thing) is below. He also consumed several peaches that trip.

Then we got home, and he bit into two not-yet-ripe Romas.
Our garden is like an open snack bar. ha ha!

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