Monday, August 27, 2012

Nana's Anna's Hummingbird

My sweet little family kicked our toes in the air, laying on our stomachs upon the jean picnic blanket GG made us. We spread open a book about our Plan for Happiness; one GMa and GPa had given us – and the children often beg for. As we read about where we came from, why we are here and where we are going after we die, a hummingbird flew to a branch above our fence. She sat and sang to us – with quite an attention-getting squeaky. What a powerful song for such a tiny thing. We instantly looked up, and my children and my heart cried out in unison, “Nana bird!” For, of course, she is the first thing that comes to our minds when we see a hummingbird.

It’s as if she was bearing testimony that the Plan of Happiness is true. She has moved on from her mortal body, and she is indeed in the next phase of life … and more than that, that little bird sang to us with a message. Almost like a cry for help. I wondered if her temple work has been completed; and later called my mom to find out that she has not yet been sealed in the temple to her sweetheart, Grandpa. “It is time. She’s so ready. She wants it to be done!” I cried.

Now, I’m a romantic and a dreamer – so of course, I instantly wanted to seal Nana to Grandpa in the temple, for time and all eternity, on Alex and I’s 10 year temple sealing anniversary. We had it all set up. It was to be done ... and then I got sick. On our anniversary. BOO!

After being in bed a few days, our family ventured outside to our picnic blanket again. This time for dinner. And what do you know, our hummingbird came back – and she had a LOT to say! We sat and stared and listened to her for a good 30 to 45 minutes while she squeaked and sang and squawked to us. Alex turned to me and said, “She’s really letting you have it! It’s like she’s saying to you, ‘You were so close to getting us sealed! Please, please do it!’” Sometimes she’d lift off the tree branch, dart around and come back. One time she fluttered upward and met another hummingbird in the sky – I’m assuming it was her mate. Her Grandpa.

That night, I downloaded an iPad app about bird identification. I studied the types of hummingbirds and found two common species in this area during this type of year; then I listened to their sounds and quickly identified the species as … Anna’s Hummingbird. ANNA’s! Our Nana hummingbird is an Anna's Hummingbird! AH! It just is amazing to me.
Tender mercies and miracles exist in our daily lives, are real and are heaven sent. This life is just one layer in the eternities. And though we have our “blinders” on and can only see the “reality” in front of us, the spirit world is all around us. Our ancestors and angels are all around us, and I believe they’re communicating with us. It’s our responsibility to open our spiritual ears, listen and welcome them in.

Our Nana/Anna’s Hummingbird was in our tree as I re-told part of this story to GG. She was in the tree as I tucked in my little ones for nap today, reminding me to write her story in my journal - and share it with you. And I’m sure she’ll be in that tree, and in our hearts, for many more days to come.

Here's a link for more info about the species, and you can listen to her "call" there: Anna's Hummingbird


Michelle said...

Such a sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

Train Gang said...

This is truly remarkable. Its amazing how God touches our lives in mysterious, miraculous, and tender ways.