Monday, August 20, 2012

Fantastically Fair

We love the fair! This year there was a new event: the barnyard beast races. Put a pig, duck, lamb and goat up against one another in the race for feed, and you'll see some speed - and get a few laughs. While we were enjoying ourselves, two photojournalists spotted our lively crew and brought their large lenses over. They asked permission to take the pics for the Portland Tribune. I don't think any of the photos were published, but the journalist was kind to forward us a few of his favorites.

I had to take out my phone ... cuz this was the view from our angle. Cracked me up. Those are some long lenses to be that close! But hey, they obviously know more about cameras than I do!

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

ahhh!!!! I'm in love with these pictures!!!! Your fam one is so perfect. The up close one of the girls is my FAVORITE! So precious really.