Monday, August 13, 2012

Diggin' Dinos!

It all started with one of Big Sis' books - she wanted to see a T-Rex in a dino museum.
Well, on the road home from Buffalo, we kept seeing billboards for a dino museum ...
a little research on the phone proved that the Museum of the Rockies has the largest number of T-Rex artifacts in the nation! So, we stopped.

We had a personal tour about dino teeth. We learned how to tell a meat eater from a plant eater, and how the teeth of meat eaters just kept coming in - no adult/baby teeth for them.

E! was scared of the dino noises playing on the speakers - but the girls wanted up-close views of all of them.

When we got back to Oregon, we reserved tons of library books about dinosaurs, including the one above ... which sparked an idea in Mommy's head.

"Guess what kids, a dinosaur hunter just told me that he found dino bones in our backyard! Here are some spoon shovels, will you please excavate?"

I had bought a $3 mini t-rex bone set that came with clay to sculpt on the skin. It was on clearance (score!) - but after opening it up, realized they probably weren't ready for it yet. So, I took apart the bones and buried them in the backyard. Big Sis knew I was the dino hunter, but Lil Sis very seriously exclaimed, "You better call the museum!!"  

The three paleontoligists at work. Identifying bones, and meticulously cleaning them off with paintbrushes.

Putting the dino back together was tough work, but E! enjoyed it the most. He took it apart and tried to put it back together over and over again .... while the girls went digging for "real" dino bones.
All in all, I think they had a good time.

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