Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Summer Olympics Fun!

The Summer Olympics in London is one of our favorite past times! We watch it, we live it, we read about it, we practice at home. So, the girls wanted to have a special edition Summer Olympics FHE with GPa, GMa, and Aunt Shar (Alex was doing Scout stuff - we missed him.) The girls made medals and prepared the events. Big Sis read Magic Tree House's "Hour of the Olympics" and the accompanied Fast Tracker "Ancient Greece and the Olympics" to base teh events on.

To start us off, Big Sis read from one of the books, and Lil Sis and E! acted it out. Entertaining.

Then the torch was passed from person to person ...

...until GPa lit the "flaming tree."

Our first event was spear throwing - with a bamboo stick.

The next event was the long jump. Look at that air!

Wondering what we're holding? In ancient Greece, the jumpers held weights shaped like "D"s.

Go, GPA! And his victory dance.

Then came the discus throw with a frisbee.

All the athletes presented a fantastic competition; and each earned a well-deserved medal.

When the Olympics are on, these little bodies are participating too. Carseats and couches have become diving boards, yoga mats are gymnastic spring floors, and any open space is a running track. E! is very into the Olympics - with diving and swimming events being his favorite to watch. He'll ask if the divers are from China or Canada or USA. Cracks me up. He'll yell, "Go Missy!" for any female swimmers; and "Go U.S.A.!" at all events. He seems to be in awe of the potential our bodies have; and I have no doubt he'll put his to good use while here on Earth.

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

That vid is awesome!! Poor E. He was a good sport!...actually I just watched without the sound. now I will add sound.