Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beautiful Buffalo, Wyoming

After a 17 hour road trip, we arrived in Buffalo, Wyoming to see GG (the kiddo's Great Grandma Gail) and Joe Joe!! And James and his fam beat us there - so we got to see them too!! Here are all the kids, after unloading from the van, reunited and running around GG and Joe Joe's bountiful garden. :)

 A major highlight from the trip: The girls caught their first fish! Lil Sis was the first one, she proudly held her trout on the rope to smile for a pic. She squealed a little when it wiggled, but held on tight.
Big Sis caught two that night - a brookie and rainbow trout. She felt safer when Dad held the fish up for the picture. :) hee hee.

I LOVE this pic of GG and the kiddos. Elena was on a four-wheeler ride - sure wish we could have had her in the pic too. This was taken outside the cabin that GG and Joe Joe take care of.
It was A-mazing!

Even though E! is crying in this picture, know that he got over his fear of the four-wheelers. He called them motorcycles, and he had a great time when Dad would drive him all around on one.

Ready for church - and spying on GG and Joe Joe's chickens. The kiddos loved to gather eggs each morning and to watch the chickens run around the backyard in the evenings.

Out at the cabin, the girls put their new cowboy hats to good use ....
they filled them with the corn for the animals, then helped "spread the corn" ... so silly.

Pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked ...

Collecting river rocks.

On the way back we stopped at teh Museum of the Rockies, to see the dinos.

And stayed at C'Mon Inn ... the kids had a blast swimming. Can you spy them with Alex?


Shar said...

Wow! What fun y'all had! The is for sharing your fantastic photos. Much love to you all! ~Love, Shar xoxo

Train Gang said...

lucky lady, Jessica! You and your Grandmother have the same beautiful smile.