Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Europe 2012: Paris night 1 @ Notre Dame

We made it to Paris! Alex led us from the train, to a bus, to our hotel like a champ.
After we checked in, our first stop was to walk to the Siene River and stare in awe.

Then we went to see Notre Dame.
We were soooo excited, and I couldn't help but remind us that "We're in Paris!"

We felt amazed by each painstaking detail, attached with purpose, significance and symbolism.

The saintly front of the building, contrasted greatly with the side walls - covered with hundreds of portruding gargoyles. Some of the beasts were formed, some not quite fully-evolved, and many stubs leaving memories of past gargoyles.

Here's the back of the building, and part of the garden.

Then we walked along the Siene at sunset, until the Eiffel Towerr lit up in sparkles. Amazing.

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