Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Europe 2012: Rothenburg ob der Tauber

After riding the EuroRail for a few hours, and four successful (yay!) train transfers later, we arrived at a preserved and walled city, Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It's a charming medieval town that has thrived on tourism since it's origination in the 1300s.

The details won us over. I couldn't stop taking pictures of buildings, doors, windows, flower boxes, etc. Every corner had color, life, charm and history.

LOVE this shade of yellow.
I think I need a cheerful house this color someday - with a door like that.

He's always wanted a suit of armor ... though I doubt he'll ever get one, he can rest knowing that he's might knight in shining armor. .... ok, go ahead and roll your eyes. ;)

We went on a group tour with the Night Watchman. Educational and entertaining. Loved it!

We visited the Medieval Crime Museum. Consequences were serious back then!

This door is from the early 1300s. The small door within the large door is an actual manhole. If a citizen missed curfew, the only way in was a hefty fine and a snug fit through that mini-hole. This protected the city from night attacks - and helped keep people out of late-night mischief.

We also toured St. Jakob's Church - built in the 1300s. It's home to the famous Holy Blood Alterpiece, with wood carvings from Tilman (above).

I liked this Lutheran depiction of the Holy Trinity, with saints and apostles nearby. Interesting.

Seriously! Look at the beauty of that tree! And the color of the home, and the quaint windows, and the door!


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