Sunday, July 08, 2012

Europe 2012: Paris & and the best breakfast ever

The next morning we awoke, super excited to be in Paris. (I couldn't help but squeal, "We're in Paris!" every other minute.) We decided to be adventurous and test out a new form of transportation (so far we had taken a plane, taxi, EuroRail, little train, and city bus). As we walked further and further into the winding underground subway station, I couldn't help but feel eerie. In fact, I think that subway thing is like Satan's special train. Yuck. BUT, we did end up near a beautiful part of Paris - and a stroll later found us at Rue Cler.

Rue Cler is a famous little sidestreet with booths, shops and bakeries. We walked into a cheese shop and smelled the stinky cheeses, buying a sampler. What a deliciously unique smell.

We got baguettes, peaches, oranges and bananas. Then walked a few more blocks to ...
the Eiffel Tower!

The sun peaked out enough that I could remove my coat (yipee!), and we found the perfect green picnic bench. It was the most surreal and picturesque breakfast picnic ever. The lawn had plenty of kind tourists, and we swapped cameras with a couple to get the above pic. Classic.

Here's part of our breakfast. I might be addicted to cheese and baguettes now.

Then we walked on - headed towards the Lourve. We found this building, where all the walls were covered in plants. Talk about going green!

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