Monday, July 09, 2012

Europe 2012: Paris & The Lourve

We went through the back entrance of the Lourve, and immediately felt overwhelmed and excited to be there.

My absolute favorite art I saw was this Greek statue of Psyche and Cupid.

Alex may have received a lecture for touching the Winged Victory. Oops.

Can you see the Mona Lisa? It's way up there ... lol.

This is one of Big Sis' faves; and it's one of the two largest paintings in the Lourve: The Carnation of Napolean. Stunning and interesting history.

Here's Venus de Milo.

John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci.


Mother & Daughter ... love this one too.
Ok, I'll stop now. We have so many pics to pick from!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Love all the fun Europe updates. So happy you guys got to go! Can't wait til Jim & I can go ourselves one day. :)