Saturday, April 14, 2012

He is Risen!

As is tradition, each day during the week before Easter is used to remember and prepare.
We lucked out with a sunny day for our Easter nature walk. We found a stick of thorns to remember His crown of thorns, a pine branch (since there aren't many palm tress around here), wood to remember the cross, a rock to remember the stone in front of His tomb, and flowers to symbolize new life. The children really enjoyed that.  

On Thursday we had our "Last Supper" - where we ate foods that Jesus might have eaten while on the earth. We had flat bread, grape juice, cucumbers, hummus, chicken, cheese, etc. The dinner gives us another opportunity to talk about his life and death and resurrection. The new videos on were fantastic too! Each night we'd watch the video that corresponded with our topic - a nice way to seal the day and remember Him as we head to dream land.

On Saturday we went to the Poe's Primary's activity. They had a cute bunny hop to start it off - then the traditional egg hunt.

Then we walked around the temple with Grandma.
It was a gorgeous day - and our "once around the temple" took us a good hour. lol.

      They also made hand-print lily bouquets (as found in The Friend magazine) to give out on Easter.

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