Friday, March 30, 2012

Cave Art

After a virtual tour of the famous cave art in Lascoux, France,
we read several books and looked at image after image of the amazing cave art made years ago.

The next day, G-Ma came over and we made our own cave art
using oil pastels and crinkled brown paper bags.
E! was napping, so we had time to really play with our projects.

Here's Lil Sis' cave girl - and her handprint signature.

Here's G-Ma's.

Here's Big Sis' - she has a stag, two moose and a person riding a moose.

Here's mine.

That evening we hung up the cave art, turned off the lights and went on a "cave tour" down our hallway. :) They thought that was fun. The brown bags are still hanging there as I type.

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