Monday, April 16, 2012

Ancient Egypt history

We've been learning a little about the ancient Egyptians. Here's a diagram the girls drew of the Nile and the two groups of Egyptians (Upper and Lower), who battled before the Double Crown of Egypt came to be.

The Egyptians left us the first preserved writings. We discovered more about their written language, deciphered love notes and even made our own tablet.

Instead of clay, we used this Magic Model foam from Crayola. It was soft, pliable and not messy; but it was difficult to scratch "letters" into. Our tablets for hieroglyphics turned out differently than I was planning - but that's part of the fun! I think we all gained a greater appreciation for ancient writings - including our scriptures!

E! worked with play dough. He liked the new tools.

Big Sis' final project. She's a princess, naturally.

Lil Sis told me this represented her entire family - grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.

Here's mine. Seriously, school is so fun that Mom's going to be playing/learning too!!

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

Simi learned about Egypt too this year!! I love all the history fun. (and funny that the shoes my mom gave simi for Easter she said looked Egyptian--guess it was on the brain!)