Monday, March 26, 2012

Pinterest plops

Sometimes I see ideas on Pinterest and get pumped to try them ...
and they flop. This is one of them. We filled baggies with paint, gave the kiddos Q-tips,
and practiced handwriting. The novelty wore off fast - just like the letters they tried to make. Plus, E! had paint out of the bag super fast (even with duct tape and double sealed bags).

Here's another idea that flopped. Have kids write on a chalkboard with a wet paintbrush. Big Sis' spelling words would evaporate before the whole word was spelled out. And again, novelty wore off quick. Lil Sis lost interest after a few letters. Oh well - you can't win them all, right?

1 comment:

Betsy B. said...

I had the same trouble with the paint in the bags. I had such high hopes too!