Friday, March 16, 2012

Life skills and such

We got a book from the library called "Actual size" that has to-size illustrations and measurements of a few of Earth's creatures. The girls checked the accuracy of the illustrations, then measured a plethora of objects around the house.

Daddy worked from home one day, and was quick to put the kiddos to work too ... stuffing and stamping envelopes. We call that a life skill. :)

Practicing place value and working with indexes, Big Sis and I played a hymn book game. I'd call  out the name of a hymn, she'd look it up in the back, find the page number, then find the page and show me. Life skill.

Lil Sis learned the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle" - and performed a coordinating puppet show.
Then wrote down words from the poem in her workbook.

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

hey that is pretty awesome! I don't think simi can look up hymns like that. we have a tough time with the place value stuff! Thanks for the fun idea.

OH! and I can't believe E! and his ball findings!!! That is super smart that he gave himself his OWN activity to do (AND did it!)