Monday, February 27, 2012

Which has more?

I'm always a bit worried I'll forget to teach the kiddos something simple but needed ... like what if I never explained to them what an ankle is, or how mail gets to our mailbox? lol. I was reading in my "What Every Kindergartner Should Know" book and came across something we've never talked about ... so we gave it a whirl. After arranging two piles of similar objects differently, I asked the girls which pile had more. Would they guess that a stack of pennies had more than some laid out ones - just because they were stacked up high?

There was no fooling them. They knew counting was the only way to tell. They did make guesses before hand, then they'd count and check their guess. Plus, I was impressed that when it came to water in a glass vs. a bowl, they figured out how to measure it on their own.

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