Friday, February 24, 2012

Burgerville Princesses

Scoutmaster Alex has been helping his scouts with the cinematography merit badge ...
so one night he wanted to show the girls how to make a movie too.
These ladies thought of the storyline, assigned characters, designed costumes, came up with the script and starred in the show. They had a blast. Alex worked the camera and made edits.

Enjoy the "Burgerville Princesses"


Michelle said...

TOO CUTE! They were so good! I loved how they said their lines and were such polite princesses. Good job Alex editing too! :)

Raina said...

This is so cute! I love seeing videos, and this one made my day!!

Train Gang said...

Why don't we live closer together?? Our girls' "princess voices" are just the same and I think they need more play time together. Best part of the whole flick I must say is E! saying his name!! He is growing up so fast and cute. I love seeing him take his spot in school.