Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fab 5 senses

We're feelin' thankful for 5 fabulous senses!
On our "FEELING" day, we took turns being blindfolded and guessing objects our family members brought over. Then we'd use as many descriptive words as possible to describe each item.

On our "HEARING" day we played a game my girlfriends and I used to play at sleepovers: "Who's making that sound." But we had to change it up a bit, instead of voices making sounds it was things. In the pic above, the girls were turning around to see if it really was a camera noise ... yup!

On most days we wrote down five things we're thankful for, in relation to that sense. It was fun to see "family" popping up on each list ... but really, we would so miss it if we couldn't see them, hear them, feel them ... ok, not taste them ... and as you'll see, we haven't got to our smelling day yet.

On our "SIGHT" day, we played the classic game of putting objects on a tray, studying the tray, then taking one away. The girls did great at guessing the missing object.

On our "taste" day we ate. Yum. They'd close their eyes and let me know if the food tasted salty, sweet, bitter or sour. I had a really hard time coming up with bitter foods ... any ideas?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

bitter: horseradish sauce? vinegar? romaine lettuce. (I just thought of those because they're what people eat on the passover feast)