Wednesday, February 29, 2012


My little guy has this thing for sports balls ... like obsessed! When we were looking through our science book we found a picture of multiple sports balls --- and he was hooked. Every day he'd beg for the book, then just sit with that page for a good 15 minutes.
His "cheese" face.

He's making the "b" sound ... for balls. Because he says it at least 100 times a day. Not joke.
I thought about counting how many times he says it per day, but I don't have time for that. lol.

It's nice that such simple things can make him happy. This week I checked out special "ball" books from the library, and I'm making him some Costco prints of different sports. Oh, and last week he sat and watched the end of the Lakers game on TV with G-Pa ... he was in heaven. Since he's my first boy, I'm not sure if this is just the normal phase for this age ... but I find it super cute. :)

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

I think its good he has such a love for sports--it will balance out his love of wearing heart head bands! j/k he totally pulls it off in a masculine way! I can't get enough of him.