Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Counting crazy

In prep for Valentine's Day, we used foam hearts and clothespins for a math lessons.
Big Sis: made sentences to to come up with seven.
Lil Sis: clipped on pins, then wrote down the number of pins on her heart.
Lil Man: tried to figure out how to clip on a pin.
We also spiced up our Connect Four game by rolling dice before each player's move. The number on the dice was written down - and either practiced for handwriting or made into a number sentence for addition/subtraction.
Another crazy math day. We played "Wham, Slam!" Where you draw two cards and add them together (or subtract them). You keep going until you get a W or S (from Skip Bo) - instead of wild or skip, the card means Wham or Slam, and you have to turn in all your cards. The goal is to get as many cards as you can before you get slammed - or whammed. The little guy decided to add a table dance to add an extra element of distraction ... it's amazing we ever get anything done! But at least we're giggling as we go.

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