Sunday, December 04, 2011

Salt Lake Temple @ Christmas time

We love to see the temple! And seeing it with glowing Christmas lights is extra special!
First, James took some group photos (I'll post those soon ... not sure if they're being used for Christmas cards, so just in case, I'll hold off for a bit). It was FREEZING cold, and little ones were NOT having fun - so we quickly walked to the Visitor's Center ...

I think my girls could have spent a couple long days at all the Temple Square sites - maybe next time. It was difficult pulling Big Sis away from this display of Bibles and Books of Mormon in different languages from around the world. She told me this was her favorite part.

Lil Sis' favorite part was seeing the Christus statue ... even though she wouldn't take a photo by it (of course, Big Sis would!). The statue’s size alone was impressive and awe-inspiring to my little ones. The room was busy and loud with families talking and taking pictures. We had been sitting in a row, gazing at the statue and talking amongst ourselves for several minutes when the loud speaker came on. A voice representing Heavenly Father said, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased … hear ye him …”

Lil Sis was sitting closest to me, and when I looked over, I saw her mouth had dropped open, her glossy eyes widened and she sat perfectly still – tuning out the crowd, and tuning in to her Heavenly Father. I could tell at once, she believed our real Heavenly Father was actually saying those words at that very moment. It was so beautiful, pure, innocent, and believing. Her faith overwhelmed me.

I watched her for a moment and tried to guess what she was thinking and feeling. I wondered if she wondered why the whole crowd didn’t stop talking and start listening to Him (I'm guessing Heavenly Father wonders that too, sometimes). I wondered if she felt the Spirit as strongly as I did by watching her. I wondered what she thought might happen next … and then I felt like I should tell her it wasn’t really Him speaking right that instant. I can’t remember how I broke the news to her, but when I did she nodded slowly, understandingly. We talked about it again when we got home, and she quickly said that she had thought it was real. She also said she felt the Spirit – and we talked about how that part was real - very, very real.


Betsy B. said...

What an amazing tender girl you have. And what a great experience for her.

Train Gang said...

That is so sweet! I had memories reading it of our first time taking children!! Its so vivid because its so different from what we experience every day. The first time Simi saw it she was 2 and I remember she had the same reverance as Lil'. Then she said very loudly. MAKED...? (naked)