Thursday, December 08, 2011

Roadtrip randoms

Seriously, this will be the last post about our trip to Utah! This was our first major roadtrip as a family, and I gotta say, the kiddos did way better than I expected! I gues it's always a good thing to prepare for the worst, and secretly hope for the best. :) They were awesome.
We played car games, read books, listened to books on CD, watched a few movies, ate snacks and just hung out as a family. Lil kept falling asleep holding onto things - totally cracked us up.

On the way back we stopped at this cute park (can't remember where it was at - but I know it was in Oregon). Alex had a work call with Russia, so the young ones and I went exploring. Tons of ducks waddled around as our little guy chased them. Then the sisters joined in, they tried to "sneak up quietly" ... uh, no sneaking up on those ducks.

And there was a train car just sitting all random like on a tiny piece of track.
And since trains make us think of the MacDs ... I made them take a picture.

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