Sunday, December 11, 2011

She's SIX!

One of the first things she said to me that morning was,
"I know you told me not to Mom, but I did. I grew up. I'm six!"
After breakfast we opened some presents.
And then surprised her by telling her about J. J. Jump.

With the amount of energy and jumps in this girl, we figured it'd be the perfect birthday activity. Plus, she kept saying she wanted a jumphouse ... and we kept saying it wouldn't fit in our house. :)

Mom and Dad got jumpy too.
Dad had them running obstacle courses at full-speed - 10 times around.
They took a nice nap that afternoon.


In the evening, Big Sis' grandparents came over for a candy cane party!
We played two candy came games; one where you hooked the canes onto one cane's curve,
and the other was hot-n-cold hide-n-seek with the candy canes.

Here's the requested cake: Strawberry pink insides, candy cane outside - with a big, pink 6.

Make a wish, sweetheart!
Here's Grandma, Aunt Jean and the little ones - with the girls dressed in clothes from the costume treasure chest Grandma got Big Sis.
The sugar really kicked in ...

And the girls turned G-Pa into a frog.

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