Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Homeschool: If you take a mouse to the movies fun

 Lil loves the "If you give a mouse a cookie" book, so we went for the Christmas version: "If you take a mouse to the movies." Same cycle of cause and effect ... I found most of these school-ish activities and printables via Pinterest (love that site!). First, we made a storyboard - to show what happens next; then we had a chit chat about natural consequences (and how that can be applied in our home).

Next was this cute writing prompt. "If you take me to the movies ..." and had them fill in the rest of the thought.
The one above is Lil's ... spot-on-accurate!
She says "If you take me to the movies then I will eat all the popcorn."
Here's Big Sis' ... which is also very, very true:
"If you take me to the movies I will want to woch the movie right when we get there."

The next day, Big Sis had a bunch of pictures from the movie to cut out and then write a story about. She finished this page and then it was time to clean up - she hopes to finish another day.
Lil Sis had this reading activity. I'm so in awe of her because she really wants to read, and is putting so much effort forth. This was her first week at really putting sounds together, and she amazed me. She sounded out these filmstrip words and then found the matching picture.
Look at the focus ... look at how wide her mouth gets when she's sounding out each letter.
It's awesome!

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

woah!!! BOTH girls have AMAZING writing skills.