Sunday, December 18, 2011

Angel Hair

Big Sis' hair has grown very, very long.
Here's her before shots.
She knew a hair cut was coming soon, and she felt excited about it.
I introduced her to the idea of hair donations.

One of our friends has a little girl with leukemia; we've been following her blog and facebook posts, and we've been praying for her a lot. My girls and I watched a video online at the Angel Hair site; it was about a little girl with leukemia who received a wig made from hair donations. The tear-jerker video provided a turning point for Big Sis. She decided she wanted to give her hair to help someone.

Nearly 10 inches! My sweet friend Nancy cuts hair out of her garage.
So,Nancy chopped Big Sis'  braided pony tail off, and gave her a cute style.

Here's her "after" look. She loves it! She looks so grown up!
Her hair is thick and healthy - and a lot like Kit (the American Girl she's been reading about lately).

I'm proud of my angel for deciding to donate her hair.
We haven't mailed it off yet; and she keeps asking when and how we'll do it.
We'll send it off in the next day or so, and I'm hoping we can put a personal touch on her donation package. :) If you're interested in watching the video, or learning about the Angel Hair organization, then click HERE.

1 comment:

G-gail said...

Beautiful generous Avery,

You look so grown up! We are very proud of your kindness to help others feel beautiful too.
Love Gg & Joe Joe