Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family Coast Trip 2013

Our fourth annual coast adventure was a hoot. Just check out those crazy cousins above - they keep us laughing (and keep us on our toes!).

One day we checked out tide pools - the girls are pointing to a star fish.

There were beautiful treasures to find.

Uncle James stepped up on a rock to take pictures of the seals, and then the rock and solid ground kinda disappeared from a big wave. He kept the camera dry though. :)

Here's G-Ma assisting in a scavenger hunt for sea creatures.

We didn't make it into the lighthouse, but we romped around it.
It was a great "Dan in Real Life" moment <-- :="" for="" mom.="" p="" s="" that="" you="">
Look at that gorgeous spotted harbor seal! She was near the tidepools we had originally planned to visit - the ones that had been swept out to sea about a decade ago.

Each night we had an activity to go with our theme. This year's theme was, "Just keep swimming!"
The cousins are obediently passing bags to the left or right, following along with GMa's story about swimming cousin fishes.
We also had pebbles in our shoes one night, and talked about cheerfulness in adversity. And one night we talked about Job, then had a fireside with s'mores. Yum!

The bunk bed room was AWESOME! I dream of having a room like this! It had two sets of full bunk beds, with trundles under. All six cousins could sleep in one spot - and it was perfect for story time by GMa at night.

Boogie boarding before making our way to the real waves.

Sand & water construction. Impressive teamwork!

This one's my fave - but it's missing Michelle and Max. 

E!'s favorite treasure was this long string of seaweed. Hours of entertainment!

Here's some buried treasures. Hee.

Building zen moments.

Jumping waves.

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