Thursday, September 12, 2013

American Girl dream


They had waited a long time to see this store - especially Big Sis, who has been reading the historical book serieses for a while now. Both sisters had studied the catalog, and were ecstatic about seeing the dolls in person. I don't know if they were prepared for just how jaw-dropping the real thing would be! Even I was overwhelmed by the in-store hair salon for dolls, the t-shirt making store within the store, the doll hospital, and the huge displays!
Here's Big by one of Caroline's displays. That's the series she's reading now, and the doll she eventually chose to take home.

Here they are playing with some salon accessories.
It took a LONG time to pick out just the right doll for each girl. The saleswoman helping us brought out different dolls and set them up on a couch so that they could see the dolls face-to-face; we even got a lesson on hair care at the doll salon.

When it came time to make the big purchase, each girl counted their bills and coins carefully.

Then the doll was handed to her new mommy - it was a magical moment. :)

Here's Big Sis with Caroline, and Lil Sis with her doll Violet.

It was adorable hearing them talk to and care for their dolls during the roadtrip home. Once I heard Big Sis explaining what a car is to her doll Caroline - see, Caroline lived in 1812 and has no idea what a car is! :)

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