Thursday, April 25, 2013

Easter prep: Temple Visitors' Center visit

I know I'm a month behind ... sorry!
Last month, we spent the week before Easter celebrating our Savior and thinking of the last week in His mortal ministry. On the first day, we went to the temple's Visitors' Center for the first time. It was a wonderful experience! The picture above is of our little ones hugging their Savior - it was such a sweet moment, the picture doesn't really do it justice.

There was a life-size portrait of Pres. Thomas S. Monson too ... did we trick you? We tried to make the picture look like they were really meeting the prophet. :)

Papa met us at the Visitors' Center too - and then we all went on a scavenger hunt around the temple.

With spring flowers in bloom, and the sun shine scattering about, it was a great day to be outside!

Here's Big Sis filling out the scavenger hunt paper. She's so cute.

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