Friday, October 12, 2012

Coin caterpillars and more math pics

Don't they look focused on their math in this pic?
Big Sis routinely works out of her Singapore textbook and workbook.
Lil Sis is working on writing her numbers and letters.

On this day, we had one math project for three levels of learning.
Coin caterpillars went like this:
Big Sis chose coins, traced them, labeled their value and added up the monetary sum.
Lil Sis selected coins, traced them and labeled them.
E! placed coins onto circles already drawn. He also drew around them.

Here's Lil Sis' first long-legged caterpillar, basking in the sun. :)

Here are three of Big Sis' caterpillars.
Sometimes I'd tell her an amount, and she had to make the caterpillar to equal that amount ... but most of the time, she liked doing it herself.

Plus, she got a penny to stand up solo. I don't know how she did it - I tried and tried and tried! lol
Then I taught them how to spin the coins on the table, and E! caught them and threw them on the ground. That game lasted a good long while. :)

Oh, and Lil Sis did these addition puzzle problems all by herself!
She felt very proud of her accomplishment!

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

looks awesome!

had to laugh on 'feeling good about her accomplishment'! good job mom with the encouraging v. praise...opps, I mean...I can see you are working very hard and I appriciate your example to me! :)