Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coast trip 2012

Coast trip 2012 was a blast! The house was super cute, the weather was classic coastal overcast (no rain!), and the family ... so fun! Uncle Don and Chris came, as well as James and Michelle and their little ones. Our group of 14 had fun playing games, experiencing the aquarium, eating at Moe's, playing at the beach, hot-tubbing and talking about our theme: "Miracles by the sea can happen to me."

Near Devil's Punchbowl, getting ready to hop waves.

Here's our crew from a distance - see that huge yellow flying disc? Awesome! Thanks, Shar!

The little ones loved being buried alive.

Look at those faces.

The house was stocked with entertainment: air hockey and pool tables, a hot tub, huge TV systems, etc.

Aren't they cute?
I'm sure there will be more pics to come. The bulk of the pics will be from James/Michelle because our camera broke and we had to mail it across the US for repairs. Of course, when we got home from the coast it was sitting on our doorstep... that's how it goes. :)

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

What a fantastic summer! I'd love to hear more about your Miracles theme.