Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Much love for the MacD's

Nicole's sweet and spunky country wedding brought in three of my BFFs - and their children!
Here are 8 of the 11 youngsters at the event.

After the big day (that my girls continue to re-create on a daily basis), the MacD's came to our casa for a few days! The weather was perfect - not too hot, not too cool - and we enjoyed icecream, bike rides, picnics, playing dolls and face-to-face chit chatting!

Here's the majority of us (minus the mamas) getting ready for our bike ride to the frisbee golf course.

We witnessed Alex's first hole-in-one!
He's quite the frisbee golf enthusiast lately - even with stinging nettle and poison oak issues.

Here's Robb - ready to rock 'n roll.

And some littles striking a pose. They had fun finding things - like bones, slugs, snails, deer and snakes.

Ah, isn't this little birdie such a sweetie pie? I think this was her first taste of icecream.

We went for a picnic at the state park, and found this green frog.
So cute! Sim looks so proud holding it!


The MacD's had to head back on the morning of the Fourth of July - but not without waving their patriotic colors, and a mid-morning sparkler show.

I gotta say, this picture says so much. See Big Sis' face? She was heartbroken to let go of her friend. Her tears as the minivan drove away brought me to tears!

I love how fast the girls can team up and make best friends.
There will be many more adventures involving all of these ladies in the future!


Train Gang said...

LOL! Try again! not even close to her first taste of icecream but that gave me a chuckle because it SHOULD be the first.

Jes said...

Ok, that is funny!! I really thought you said it was her first bite ... maybe you were referring to the first bite for the evening? lol.