Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer school

Summer school is pretty relaxed at our house, but we're still doing a thing or two here and there. One subject that remains key to our daily lives: reading. Big Sis is a reading princess. Here she is at nap time, surrounded by several Magic Tree House books - currently, her favorite series. She loves to read them and then go to the Magic Tree House website to take little quizzes of each book and receive a new stamp on her "passport."

Funny side story: Big Sis' special nap spot is in our closet. It's a walk-in - so it's not child abuse or anything. :) She has a sleeping bag, several blankets, Pillow Pets and other cozies to make it comfortable. The other day we're driving along and she says, "When I grow up, I'm going to let my oldest daughter sleep in the closet too!" .... like it's such a treat! I just had to laugh. I'm sure that comment could receive a double-take from most adults.

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